Luke Fox was born into a family of wealth and prestige, his father Lucius Fox was president and CEO of Wayne Enterprises and a genius scientist and inventor. Lucas, it seemed had inherited his father’s natural intellect and was extremely intelligent. Luke graduated MIT with double degrees in engineering and business management and soon had hundreds of job offers from around the world even one from his fathers company of Wayne Enterprises. However Lucas had other aspirations seeking to gain the attention of the Batman (Bruce Wayne) he took to MMA and cage fighting, hoping the Batman would notice his skills and intellect and recruit him into the new fledgling Batman Incorporated which gained him the scorn of his father, who was distraught that his son was ignoring so many prospects to go fight in “barbaric cage-matches”.
Luke’s dream came to fruition after the previous Batwing, David Zavimbe retired from the cape and cowl for personal reasons. Batman, stating Luke was his “first choice” quickly tried to recruit him as the new Batman of Africa, Batwing. Luke eagerly accepted, disguising his new job by saying he wanted to take a yearlong trip to the motherland. His father, upset at his seemingly reckless antics argued with him which resulted with Luke leaving forcefully in a huff.
Highly Intelligent: Luke is an extremely intellectually gifted young man. having graduated a year early with two degrees from M.I.T.
Highly Skilled Combatant: Mix Martial Arts fighter, and has participated in tournament fights since he was 16.
Grappling gun
Daggers: specialized bata-rangs that are wielded in a fashion similar to brass knuckles. They are used for slicing and shredding and/or are tossed at opponents like ordinary bata-rangs.
Vapor Bats: Mechanical bats designed to release sleeping gas to knockout large amounts of foe.
Spray(s): from high scoville pepper spray to hallucinogenic gases.
Ffull bodied armor, covering him from head to toe.
Full face plate
Bulletproof/shock resistant armor
An interior skin that monitors vital signs and has medical repair capabilities.
Cloaking mechanism
Retractable wings: The wings are made of an unspecified materiel, and are capable of granting Luke flight by gliding along air currents.
Batwing Tumbler.
Armed with front mounted guns, missile firing capabilities, thrusts-er and gliders for flight/hovering capabilities allowing it to even travel up walls. It is also heavily armored and bulletproof.
Batwing Cycle:
Front mounted guns for rapid fire capabilities, armored body, custom wheels fit for on and off road maneuvering. It is also capable of achieving of achieving exceptional speeds.