The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

1978 – The Black Musketeers

1978 - The Black Musketeers

The Black Musketeers were introduced in 1978, in the ninth issue of the second solo series of the Black Panther, written and drawn by Jack Kirby. They were four Wakandan warriors who served as the personal guard of T’Challa, the current Black Panther, and his family. Their names were Khanata, Zuni, Ishanta, and Joshua Itobo.

The Black Musketeers debuted when T’Challa’s half-brother Jakarra, who was mutated by exposure to vibranium, attacked the royal palace. The Black Musketeers fought bravely to defend their king and his sister Shuri, but they were overwhelmed by Jakarra’s power. Fortunately, T’Challa returned from his adventures in outer space and defeated Jakarra with the help of his friends Mister Little and Princess Zanda.

The Black Musketeers only appeared in one more issue, where they helped T’Challa stop a coup attempt by General Jakar, who was secretly working for the villainous Baron Macabre. The Black Musketeers proved their loyalty and courage once again and showed their sense of humor and camaraderie. For example, Zuni teased Khanata for having a crush on Shuri, while Joshua Itobo admired Mister Little’s gadgets.

After that, the Black Musketeers faded into obscurity. They were never mentioned again in the main Marvel continuity and did not appear in any other media adaptations of Black Panther. They were briefly referenced in a handbook entry that listed them as defunct members of the Wakandan army. They were also included in a list of black superheroes on Wikipedia without further details.

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