The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

1961 - Jackie Johnson of Sgt Rock's Easy Company

Jackie Johnson was a part of Sgt. Rock’s Easy Company, a World War II US Army infantry unit. He first appeared in Our Army at War #81 (April 1959) and was created by Bob Haney and Ross Andru.

He was an African-American trooper and ex-heavyweight boxing champion whose character was an amalgamation of Jackie Robinson and Joe Louis. He is notable as one of the first non-stereotypical African-American characters in comics. He was also one of the core members of Easy Company, along with Sgt. Rock, Bulldozer, Four Eyes, Ice Cream Soldier, Little Sure Shot, and others.

Some of the important storylines involving Jackie Johnson include his boxing match against Nazi champion Iron-Fist Hansel in Our Army at War #113 (December 1961), his encounter with his former trainer who betrayed him to the Nazis in Our Army at War #162 (September 1965), and his reunion with his brother who fought for the French Resistance in Sgt. Rock #302 (June 1977).

The historical importance of this character lies in his representation of the African-American soldiers who fought in World War II, despite the racial segregation and discrimination they faced in the US Army and society at large. Jackie Johnson was a symbol of courage, loyalty, and dignity who challenged the stereotypes and prejudices of his time.

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