The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

1973 - Deadly Nightshade AKA Tilda Johnson

Tilda Johnson, also known as Nightshade, is a complex and multifaceted character in the Marvel Comics universe. Created by writer Steve Englehart and artist George Tuska, Tilda Johnson first appeared in “Captain America” #164. Tilda Johnson was born in Harlem, New York City, and grew up in poverty. She was a child prodigy who taught herself genetics, cybernetics, and physics by the time she was sixteen. She decided to use her intellect for crime and adopted the alias of Deadly Nightshade.
– Her first significant scheme was to create an army of werewolves for the crime lord Yellow Claw, using a chemical formula she developed. She experimented on prison inmates and even turned Falcon into a werewolf. However, her plan was foiled by Captain America, Nick Fury, and S.H.I.E.L.D. She tried suicide by jumping off a cliff with her werewolves but survived.
– She later became a crime lord and clashed with Power Man and Iron Fist. She also developed a mind-control perfume allowing her to manipulate men, except those with strong wills like Captain America and Falcon.
– She joined forces with Doctor Doom to create cyborgs from kidnapped African-American youths. She also helped Doom in his attempt to steal Vibranium from Wakanda but was defeated by Black Panther and the Fantastic Four.
– She later became an ally of Black Panther and helped him fight against Erik Killmonger and his Death Regiments. She also cured him of a poison that Killmonger had used on him. She developed feelings for Black Panther, but he rejected her advances.
– She briefly joined the Rivals, a gang of super-powered teenagers led by Turk Barrett. She also worked with M.O.D.O.K., Superia, and the Secret Empire at various points.
– She became Dr. Nightshade and joined Nighthawk’s Redeemers team, which consisted of reformed villains. She helped Nighthawk fight against the Squadron Supreme but was killed by Doctor Spectrum’s power prism.
– The Hood and other dead villains later resurrected her. She resumed her Nightshade alias and participated in the Siege of Asgard. She also joined the Shadow Council and fought against the Secret Avengers.
– She became the new Nighthawk after Hyperion killed Kyle Richmond. She used Richmond’s costume and equipment and formed a unique team of Redeemers with Blur and Power Princess. She also joined the Underground resistance against Hydra’s regime.
– She has appeared in other media besides comics, such as the animated series Avengers Assemble and Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers. Gabrielle Dennis also portrayed her in the live-action series Luke Cage, where she was a young scientist working for Mariah Dillard. A different version of her character appeared in the film Black Panther, played by Nabiyah Be. She was part of Erik Killmonger’s crew but was killed by Ulysses Klaue.

Media Appearances: Tilda Johnson has appeared in various media adaptations beyond the comic book pages. Some notable appearances include:

Animated Series: Tilda appeared in the animated television series “The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes,” where she was depicted as a recurring antagonist. Her intelligence and scientific expertise were showcased as she engaged in battles with the superhero team.

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