The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

1977 - Princess Zanda

1977 Princess Zanda

Princess Zanda is the ruler of Narobia, a fictional African nation that borders Wakanda, the home of the Black Panther. She is also a member of the Collectors, a group of wealthy and ruthless individuals who seek out rare and powerful artifacts from around the world. She is fascinated with the Black Panther, whom she considers a worthy adversary and a potential mate.

She debuted in Black Panther #1 (October 1976), written and drawn by Jack Kirby, the legendary co-creator of many Marvel characters. In this issue, she hired Abner Little, another Collector, to find a pair of mystical brass frogs that could alter time. She encountered the Black Panther, who was also looking for the frogs, and they fought against a monstrous creature named Hatch-22 that emerged from the frogs. The frogs were destroyed, and Hatch-22 was returned to its own time.

In subsequent issues, Zanda kidnapped the Black Panther and blackmailed him into helping her find another artifact: a water skin that granted eternal life. She threatened to launch missiles at Wakanda if he refused. The Black Panther agreed but only managed to bring back a fragment of the water skin, which caused the Collectors to fight among themselves. Zanda also showed some romantic interest in the Black Panther, but he rejected her advances.

Zanda did not appear again until Iron Man Vol 3 #21 (October 1999), written by Kurt Busiek and drawn by Sean Chen. In this issue, she teamed up with Andreas Zorba, another Collector, to explore a temple in Canada and find a rare totem. However, when Zorba touched the totem, he was transformed into Carnivore, one of the Exemplars, powerful beings imbued with cosmic energy. Zanda shot Zorba, but it had no effect. She was then confronted by Iron Man, who was investigating the temple. His fellow Exemplars teleported away from Zorba before the battle could escalate.

Zanda’s most recent appearance was in Black Panther Vol 4 #18 (November 2006), written by Reginald Hudlin and drawn by Scot Eaton. In this issue, she was enraged to learn that the Black Panther was marrying Storm, a member of the X-Men and an old friend of his. She traveled to New York City and claimed that she was marrying the Black Panther herself. She spent lavishly in fashion stores and attracted media attention. Storm confronted her in one of the stores and used her weather powers to knock her down. Zanda threatened Storm with her military might and ability to neutralize her forces, but Storm punched her and walked away.

Zanda has not appeared since then but remains an interesting character in the Marvel universe. She is a strong-willed, ambitious woman who does not hesitate to use her wealth and power to get what she wants. She is a skilled fighter and marksman who can hold her own against superhuman foes. She has access to various weapons and gadgets from her collection of artifacts, such as a ray gun that can paralyze people or animals.

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