The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

2010 Adara debut appearance

Nicole Morrison was born and raised in Livonia, Michigan. Her mother had raised her to forgive others, even when they had done wrong things. When she was fourteen years old, Nicole was abducted by Winston Woods while leaving Bates Hamburger, leaving only her backpack by a dumpster. Taking the child to his place, Winston kept Nicole captive whilst being nice to her as he had done with other children in the past. Nicole’s disappearance led to a search being conducted with her parents being worried and giving a speech to the public on the second day of the search. Woods attempted to force feed her when Nicole claimed that she forgave him, much to Winston’s confusion. When she asked him to forgive her, she threw the food into his face and temporarily blinded him, giving Nicole an opening to flee outside the apartment. But he stopped her and became angry and aggressive. When hope seemed lost, Adara manifested itself declaring that “All will be well”, taking Nicole as a host. After possessing her, the Hope Entity told Winston Woods that he had ripped out the hope of others during his evil acts but Adara forgave him. There was a flash of light and Woods screamed in apparent agony, whereupon Nicole said that the whole world would know of it.

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From the OBN Collection

Adara comic book
adara action Brightest Day


Blue Energy Conduit: The Blue energy of hope is an infallible connection to the universe. Hope is the most powerful of light, and thus the universe speaks through it. The power of the Adara is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe, and has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the universe, including electromagnetic energies such as gravity, radiation, heat, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force.

Blue Energy Blasts: Fire Blue energy Blast or create weapons such as projectiles of them.

Blue Energy Force Fields: Can also create fields of force formed from an unknown energy that was bound by the users’ hope.

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