The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

1983 - Killer Croc AKA Waylon Jones

1983 - Killer Croc AKA Waylon Jennings debut

Killer Croc is one of Batman’s most formidable foes, also known as Waylon Jones.

Killer Croc was created by Gerry Conway, Don Newton, and Gene Colan and first appeared in Detective Comics #523 in 1983. He was initially depicted as a man with green scales and superhuman strength who suffered from a rare form of atavism that gave him reptilian traits. He was raised by his abusive aunt, who called him “lizard boy” and “reptilian freak.” He eventually killed his aunt and became a criminal in Gotham City, where he clashed with Batman and the new Robin, Jason Todd.

Over the years, Killer Croc’s appearance and personality changed significantly. He became more animalistic and monstrous, developing hardened fangs, claws and scales, underwater aptitude, and regeneration abilities. He also developed a cannibalistic appetite and a violent temper. He was often portrayed as a tragic figure shunned by society and sought acceptance from others like him. He sometimes joined forces with other villains, such as the Secret Society of Supervillains and the Suicide Squad, or even acted as an antihero on rare occasions.

One of the most important storylines involving Killer Croc was “Batman: Hush,” written by Jeph Loeb and illustrated by Jim Lee. In this arc, Killer Croc was hired by Hush to kidnap a young boy who was the heir to a fortune. However, he was betrayed by Hush and Poison Ivy, who used her mind-control powers to manipulate him. Batman managed to rescue the boy and defeat Killer Croc, later experimented on by Lex Luthor’s scientists. The experiments made him more intelligent, articulate, unstable, and aggressive.

Another notable storyline featuring Killer Croc was “Batman: The Cult,” written by Jim Starlin and illustrated by Bernie Wrightson. In this arc, Killer Croc is brainwashed by Deacon Blackfire, a charismatic cult leader who wants to overthrow Gotham’s government. Killer Croc became one of Blackfire’s loyal followers and helped him capture Batman and torture him in the sewers. Batman eventually escaped and confronted Blackfire and his army of homeless people. Killer Croc regained his senses and turned against Blackfire, killing him in a rage.

Killer Croc has also appeared in various media outside comics, such as animated shows, video games, and movies. Some of his most notable appearances are:

– Batman: The Animated Series (1992-1995): Voiced by Aron Kincaid, Killer Croc was a former circus wrestler who became a criminal mastermind. He had sarcastic humor and often clashed with Batman and other villains.
– Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009): Voiced by Steven Blum, Killer Croc was an inmate of Arkham Asylum who was kept in a particular cell in the sewers. He was huge and ferocious and tried to kill Batman several times.
– Suicide Squad (2016): Portrayed by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Killer Croc was a member of the Suicide Squad, a team of incarcerated supervillains sent on dangerous missions by Amanda Waller. He had a soft spot for Enchantress, whom he considered beautiful.
– Batwoman (2021): Performed by Heidi Ben, Killer Croc was a former soldier who was experimented on by the military. He escaped and lived in the sewers of Gotham City, where he encountered Batwoman.

Killer Croc is one of the most fascinating characters in DC Comics, with a rich and complex history that spans decades. He is more than just a mindless beast; he is a victim of his mutation who struggles to find his place in the world. Whether he is an enemy or an ally of Batman, he is always a formidable force to be reckoned with.

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