The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

After watching video footage of the Spike in action, the senior members of X-Statix, except the Anarchist, vote to have him join the team. At the press conference to announce his membership, the Spike calls the Anarchist racial names and the two began butting heads. Eager to gain more media attention, Vivisector and Phat jump into a fight with the Spike in “defense” of their teammate. Later, Anarchist expresses fears that his life is endangered with the addition of another young black male to the team.[citation needed]

When U-Go Girl hosts the Larry King Show, she has the Spike show up as her first guest. This swiftly erupts once again into a battle between the Anarchist, Vivisector, Phat, and the Spike. In the middle of the battle, Lacuna travels between seconds and removes everyone’s clothing. After announcing her candidacy in X-Statix, she returns their clothing and left.

During some downtime with the team, the Spike, along with some other members of X-Statix, were transported to a dimension residing inside Doop, where they each face their worst fears. In Spike’s “torture realm,” the only thing Doop finds is a book entitled “Spikey Cross-Dressing,” bearing the image of the Spike wearing a red dress and fishnets. After saving them and returning them to their Santa Monica HQ, Doop notices that only a second had gone by and no one appears to have any memory of ever leaving.

The Spike returns home from a mission with the rest of X-Statix, but they wind up in the ocean, due to U-Go Girl’s malfunctioning mutant power. She attempts to teleport them from the ocean, only to wind up in a forest. In the forest, the team signals a plane and they hitch a ride to California via Federal Express.

He was among the X-Statix members seen at a parade in their honor, after they successfully took out a Japanese terrorist sect. The mutant terrorist group the Brotherhood attacks X-Statix, calling them “mutant sellouts,” due to their popularity and media attention. During the fight, the Spike aids the Orphan in killing one of the Brotherhood members by impaling her as she fell backwards from the Orphan’s punch. After defeating the Brotherhood, the Orphan asks what just happened and U-Go Girl replies, “The end of a revolution?”

The Spike participates in a battle in Central America alongside his teammates in X-Statix, where his rivalry with the Anarchist came to blows, as they competed to kill as many militiamen as possible, as if trying to beat each other in the “amount killed” department.

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