The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

Centurius AKA Noah Black

 Centurius: Marvel’s First Black Supervillain

Centurius was born Noah Black, a brilliant scientist fascinated by evolution’s mysteries. He believed that humanity was destined to evolve into a higher form of life and dedicated his research to finding ways to accelerate this process. He also developed a hatred for war and violence, seeing them as obstacles to human progress.

He was recruited by the High Evolutionary, a cosmic being who shared his vision of creating a perfect world through genetic engineering. The High Evolutionary gave him access to his advanced technology and his hidden base in the Savage Land, a prehistoric jungle hidden in Antarctica. There, Black experimented on various animals and plants, creating new species and hybrids. He also modified himself, enhancing his intellect, lifespan, and physical abilities. He adopted the name Centurius, signifying his goal of reaching the next century of human evolution.

However, his peaceful utopia was shattered when he learned that the High Evolutionary had allied himself with the superhero team, the Avengers, fighting against the alien invaders known as the Kree. Centurius saw this as a betrayal of their ideals and decided to destroy both sides of the conflict. He launched a nuclear missile at the Kree’s orbiting ship, hoping to trigger a chain reaction that would wipe out all life on Earth. He believed he and his creations would survive the blast and inherit the planet.

His plan was foiled by Nick Fury, the leader of the spy organization S.H.I.E.L.D., who infiltrated his base and deactivated the missile. Fury confronted Centurius and tried to reason with him, but Centurius refused to listen. He activated a self-destruct mechanism that destroyed his base and seemingly killed him and his creatures.

Centurius survived the explosion and went into hiding for decades. He continued his experiments in secret, creating more bizarre and powerful lifeforms. He also developed a device called the Evolutionizer, which could alter the genetic structure of any living being. He intended to use it to transform humanity into his image of perfection.

He resurfaced several times, clashing with various heroes who opposed his plans. He fought against Captain America and Falcon, who was investigating his involvement in a series of kidnappings of prominent scientists. He also battled Iron Man and War Machine, who tried to stop him from unleashing a plague that would mutate millions of people.

Centurius’ motivations were complex and contradictory. On the one hand, he claimed to be a benevolent visionary who wanted to save humanity from self-destruction. On the other hand, he was arrogant, ruthless, and megalomaniacal, willing to sacrifice countless lives for his experiments. He saw himself as superior to everyone else and had no qualms about killing or enslaving those who resisted him.

He also had a grudge against Nick Fury, whom he blamed for ruining his original paradise. He sought revenge against him on several occasions, even joining forces with Fury’s archenemy Baron Strucker at one point.

Centurius possessed various abilities that made him a formidable foe. He had superhuman intelligence, which allowed him to master multiple fields of science and technology. He had access to advanced equipment and weapons, such as lasers, rockets, robots, and force fields. He also had enhanced strength, speed, agility, durability, and longevity thanks to his genetic modifications.

He could also control his creations telepathically, commanding them to do his bidding. His designs included giant insects, dinosaurs, humanoid hybrids, cyborgs, and more. Some were loyal to him out of gratitude or fear, while others were mindless or rebellious.

He also wielded the Evolutionizer, which could alter any living being’s DNA. He could use it to enhance or degrade someone’s physical or mental traits or create new abilities or weaknesses. He could also use it to adapt to different environments or situations.

Despite his failures and defeats, Centurius achieved some remarkable feats in his quest for evolution. He created hundreds of new species and lifeforms that never existed before. He discovered secrets of the universe that eluded most scientists. He challenged some of the most powerful heroes and villains in the world. He even cheated death several times, escaping seemingly fatal situations.

He also joined the Thunderbolts, a team of former supervillains who tried to redeem themselves by working for the government. He was recruited by Luke Cage, who saw potential in him and hoped to help him change his ways. Centurius agreed to join, partly out of curiosity and boredom. He proved a valuable asset to the team, using his skills and resources to assist them in various missions. He also developed a friendship with fellow Thunderbolt Man-Thing, a swamp creature who shared his connection to nature.

However, he also had ulterior motives for joining the team. He secretly plotted to use the Evolutionizer on them, hoping to unlock their hidden potential or expose their flaws. He also sought more power and knowledge, even stealing a cosmic cube from another dimension.

He eventually betrayed the team and revealed his true colors, unleashing his Evolutionizer on them and the world. He was stopped by Cage and Man-Thing, who destroyed his device and subdued him. He was taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D., who planned to use him as a weapon against their enemies.

Here are some interesting facts about Centurius that you may not know:

– He was created by Jim Steranko, a legendary comic book artist, and writer who revolutionized the medium with his innovative style and storytelling. Steranko also created Nick Fury’s iconic look and many aspects of S.H.I.E.L.D.
– He was inspired by the real-life figure of Noah Webster, an American lexicographer, and educator who compiled the first comprehensive dictionary of American English. Webster was also a pioneer of spelling reform, advocating for more straightforward and consistent rules for writing words.
– He originally intended to be a one-time villain, but he proved popular enough to return in later stories. He also appeared in other media, such as video games, cartoons, and toys.
– He had a son named Noah Black Jr., who inherited his father’s intelligence and ambition. He became a scientist and a businessman, founding a company called Black Tech that specialized in biotechnology. He also became a supervillain, using his father’s creations and technology to further his goals. He clashed with Spider-Man and Iron Fist, who exposed his crimes and brought him down.
– He had a romantic relationship with Satana, the daughter of Satan and a powerful sorceress. They met when they were both members of the Hood’s crime syndicate and bonded over their shared interest in science and magic. They also helped each other escape from various predicaments, such as being trapped in Hell or being hunted by demons.

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