The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

1974 - Zephyre

1974 - Zephyre

Zephyr’s origin dates back to when she was working as a wench in a tavern, and was recruited by the other Elementals: Hellfire, Hydron, and Magnum. They gave her the power to control wind and air, as well as some psychic abilities. Together, they sought to regain their lost dominion over Earth, and clashed with various heroes such as the Living Mummy, N’Kantu, and Thor.

Zephyr’s first appearance was in Supernatural Thrillers #8 (May 1974), created by Tony Isabella and Val Mayerik. She was depicted as a seductive and power-hungry woman who stole a ruby from Thor that he thought was the Ruby Scarab, a mystical artifact that could restore the Elementals’ power. However, it turned out to be a Seduction Gem, which enhanced their attraction to each other. They had a brief but passionate affair that almost caused an earthquake, but they decided to part ways.

Zephyr later betrayed the Elementals when she realized that their quest for power was dangerous and futile. She joined forces with Olddann and the Asp, two adventurers who had the Ruby Scarab, and Alexi Skarab, the grandson of N’Kantu. They managed to defeat the Elementals and seal them away.

Zephyr resurfaced years later in Saracen Cay, where she was living with Olddann and the Asp. However, the Elementals found them again and captured them. They tortured Zephyr to force her friends to reveal the location of the Ruby Scarab, which they did. The Elementals used it to return to Earth, but Zephyr escaped and helped Thor and Ms. Marvel stop them.

Zephyr then tried to serve more noble purposes, but she was captured by the Collector, an alien who collects rare specimens from across the universe. He fell in love with her and kept her in his museum. She appeared to Thor as an astral projection when he visited the Collector’s ship during a storm. She later helped him escape from the Collector’s trap and save Earth from Ego and Alter Ego, two living planets that were about to collide. She also saved Thor from being devoured by Alter Ego, but they ended up being sent back in time by the Collector as a punishment. She returned to the present with Thor’s help and left with Ego and Alter Ego to explore the universe.

Zephyr is a fascinating character who has had many adventures in comics. She has demonstrated impressive powers over wind and air, such as creating tornadoes, flying at high speeds, manipulating weather, generating sound waves, and even breathing in space. She has also shown some mental abilities, such as mind control, illusions, telepathy, and energy manipulation. She is immortal and resistant to aging, disease, and injury.

Some little known facts about Zephyr are:

– She has a ruby that she stole from Thor that enhances her seduction skills.
– She once had a daughter named Zara with Hellfire, but she died in childbirth.
– She has appeared in other media besides comics, such as video games (Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2) and animated shows (The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes).

Some important storylines that feature Zephyr are:

– The Search for the Ruby Scarab (Supernatural Thrillers #8-15): This is Zephyr’s debut story arc, where she meets Thor and joins the Elementals in their quest for the Ruby Scarab.
– The Return of the Elementals (Ms. Marvel #11-12): This is Zephyr’s redemption story arc, where she turns against the Elementals and helps Thor and Ms. Marvel defeat them.
– Astonishing Thor (Astonishing Thor #1-5): This is Zephyr’s latest story arc, where she reunites with Thor and helps him save Earth from Ego and Alter Ego.

From the OBN Collection

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