The Original Black Nerd Collection

The Original Black Nerd Collection

2011- Batwing debut Batwing 1

A child soldier with his brother Isaac, David was trained from a very early age in the ways of war. Taking up a gun and receiving additional training from the Army of Dawn, they soon proved themselves the most prominent soldiers the Army had to offer despite their unwillingness to execute women or children. When the General threw Isaac off a cliff, David struck out against the Army and survived out of an orphanage under the tutelage of Matu Ba and Rene Diallo.

As an adult, David would join the Tinashan police force and would immeidately be disgusted by the corruption within it. Confiding in Rene, David decides to make an example of himself to the police system. Soon after, Matu Ba and Rene would be injured by a man named Death Jack, angering David. Putting together a makeshift costume and tracks down Death Jack, and although he beats him ruthlessly, David does not kill the villain. Becoming a vigilante of sorts.

Elsewhere in the United States, Bruce Wayne announces Batman Incorporated, an initiative to put Batman like figures in countries all across the world. Soon after that, Batman pays a visit to Tinasha, where he inducts David as the newest member of his team in his quest to stop the global terrorists, Leviathan

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From the OBN Collection

Batwing Action Figure


Prior to joining Batman Inc. David took down numerous metahumans, with abilities ranging from energy projection to super strength, with nothing more than his police batons.

Weapons and Equipment 


Grappling gun



Jet Boots

Wings: retractable wings made of fabric and metal, capable of granting flight when used in combination with jet boots.

Liquid Bandages: a spray that causes liquid to coagulate. Used to stop bleeding.

Energy Sword: a brightly blue colored beam released from the utility gauntlets. Used to cut and/or ignite flammable liquids.

Flammable liquids: a flammable liquid released from the utility gauntlets

Tranquilizer Darts: armor piercing tranquilizers cable of taking down a rhino.

Incendiary projection: sporadic balls of energy fired from the utility gauntlets. The balls of energy can be charged and/or combined together to increasing the size of the projection.


David Zavimbe’s bat-suit is a full body armor. David’s entire body, from the neck down, is encased in the armor. Capable of withstanding small explosions, crushing blows, bulletproof and shock resistant. The cowl/helmet allows David to hear when fling at high speeds. The armor’s later upgrades grant remote control access and hologram projection.

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